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Revision e362ec12

Von Moritz Bunkus vor mehr als 2 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID e362ec12a3a32045cc276e46c01216181edb5cf7
  • Vorgänger f85be296
  • Nachfolger e0900c89

Benutzerdef. Var. als HTML-Feld: Verwaltung

Unterschiede anzeigen:

127 127
  (4) [% 'The default value depends on the variable type:' | $T8 %]
128 128
129 129
   <li>[%- 'Text, text field and number variables: The default value will be used as-is.' | $T8 %]</li>
   <li>[%- 'Text, text field, HTML field and number variables: The default value will be used as-is.' | $T8 %]</li>
131 131
   <li>[%- 'Boolean variables: If the default value is non-empty then the checkbox will be checked by default and unchecked otherwise.' | $T8 %]</li>
132 132
   <li>[%- 'Date and timestamp variables: If the default value equals \'NOW\' then the current date/current timestamp will be used. Otherwise the default value is copied as-is.' | $T8 %]</li>
133 133
138 138
139 139
140 140
   <li>[%- 'Text variables: \'MAXLENGTH=n\' sets the maximum entry length to \'n\'.' | $T8 %]</li>
   <li>[%- 'Text field variables: \'WIDTH=w HEIGHT=h\' sets the width and height of the text field. They default to 30 and 5 respectively.' | $T8 %]</li>
   <li>[%- 'Text field and HTML field variables: \'WIDTH=w HEIGHT=h\' sets the width and height of the text field. They default to 30 and 5 respectively.' | $T8 %]</li>
142 142
   <li>[%- 'Number variables: \'PRECISION=n\' forces numbers to be shown with exactly n decimal places.' | $T8 %]</li>
143 143
   <li>[%- 'Selection fields: The option field must contain the available options for the selection. Options are separated by \'##\', for example \'Early##Normal##Late\'.' | $T8 %]</li>
144 144

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff