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Revision d1809c22

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor fast 3 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID d1809c2258dc72d73a6aaf9392bdf290fc5ee289
  • Vorgänger fe4deda7
  • Nachfolger d339e8dc

Auftrags-Controller: neuen Artikel aus Maske heraus anlegen können

Unterschiede anzeigen:

29 29
  '%'                           => '',
30 30
  '(recommended) Insert the used currencies in the system. You can simply change the name of the currencies by editing the textfields above. Do not use a name of a currency that is already in use.' => '',
31 31
  '*/'                          => '',
  '+'                           => '',
32 33
  ', if set'                    => '',
33 34
  '---please select---'         => '',
34 35
  '. Automatically generated.'  => '',
746 747
  'Create a new client'         => '',
747 748
  'Create a new delivery term'  => '',
748 749
  'Create a new group'          => '',
  'Create a new part'           => '',
749 751
  'Create a new payment term'   => '',
750 752
  'Create a new price rule'     => '',
751 753
  'Create a new printer'        => '',
4128 4130
  'Yes'                         => '',
4129 4131
  'Yes, included by default'    => '',
4130 4132
  'Yes/No (Checkbox)'           => '',
  'You are adding a new part while you are editing another document. You will be redirected to your document when saving the new part or aborting this form.' => '',
4131 4134
  'You are logged out!'         => '',
4132 4135
  'You can also delete this transaction and re-enter it manually.' => '',
4133 4136
  'You can choose account categories for taxes. Depending on these categories taxes will be displayed for transfers in the general ledger or not.' => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff