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Revision 6c20bff1

Von Bernd Bleßmann vor mehr als 5 Jahren hinzugefügt

  • ID 6c20bff1fde66612b803b2716589f97b1441612a
  • Vorgänger 1b46f321
  • Nachfolger 7fa33ab3

Inventur: Schwellwert in Mandantenkonfig. für Warnung bei Mengenabweichung

In der Mandantenkonfiguration kann ein Mengenschwellwert eingegeben werden.
Wenn die bei der Inventur gezählte/eingegebene Zielmenge mehr als dieser
Schwellwert von der Menge in der Datenbank abweicht, dann wird eine Warnung

Hintergrund: Mitarbeiter lesen den Artikel mit einem Barcode-Scanner ein und
vergessen manchmal, die vorher eingegebene Menge zu speichern. Dann wird die
Artikelnummer oder EAN in das Mengenfeld geschrieben und ein "Enter" ausgelöst.
Dann ist die Zielmenge sehr groß und falsch. Das kann damit verhindert bzw.
abgeschwächt werden.

Unterschiede anzeigen:

600 600
  'Check on purchase invoice'   => '',
601 601
  'Check on sales invoice'      => '',
602 602
  'Checks'                      => '',
  'Choose "continue" if you want to use this value. Choose "cancel" otherwise.' => '',
603 604
  'Choose Customer'             => '',
604 605
  'Choose Outputformat'         => '',
605 606
  'Choose Vendor'               => '',
1566 1567
  'If searching a part from a document and no part is found then offer to create a new part.' => '',
1567 1568
  'If the article type is set to \'mixed\' then a column called \'part_type\' or called \'pclass\' must be present.' => '',
1568 1569
  'If the automatic creation of invoices for fees and interest is switched on for a dunning level then the following accounts will be used for the invoice.' => '',
  'If the counted quantity differs more than this threshold from the quantity in the database, a warning will be shown. Set to 0 to switch of this feature.' => '',
1569 1571
  'If the database user listed above does not have the right to create a database then enter the name and password of the superuser below:' => '',
1570 1572
  'If the default transfer out always succeed use this bin for negative stock quantity.' => '',
1571 1573
  'If yes, delivery order positions are considered "delivered" only if they have been stocked out of the inventory. Otherwise saving the delivery order is considered delivered.' => '',
3364 3366
  'The subject is missing.'     => '',
3365 3367
  'The tables for user management and authentication do not exist. They will be created in the next step in the following database:' => '',
3366 3368
  'The tabulator character'     => '',
  'The target quantity of #1 differs more than the threshold quantity of #2.' => '',
3367 3370
  'The task server does not appear to be running.' => '',
3368 3371
  'The task server is already running.' => '',
3369 3372
  'The task server is not running at the moment but needed for this module' => '',
3530 3533
  'This will remove the invoice from showing as unpaid even if the unpaid amount does not match the amount. Proceed?' => '',
3531 3534
  'This will set an exact price.' => '',
3532 3535
  'Three Options:'              => '',
  'Threshold for warning on quantity difference' => '',
3533 3537
  'Time'                        => '',
3534 3538
  'Time Format'                 => '',
3535 3539
  'Time and price estimate'     => '',

Auch abrufbar als: Unified diff